Audi A 3 8 P Bose Upgrade. Wejdź i znajdź to, czego szukasz! APR Ignition Coils are designed to be a direct plug-&-play upgrade to factory coils, & provide greater energy output.
How does it compare to the Bose unit installed in Audi and other car? Turn your VW or Audi turbocharged engine into a head-turning, exhilarating driving experience with our In-House designed and engineered Atmospheric Diverter Valve Spacer! OPS function only for vehicles equipped with an head unit.
Wejdź i znajdź to, czego szukasz!
Oferta silnikowa, jaka była dostępna w sprzedaży, była dość szeroka i niemal każdy mógł znaleźć coś interesującego.
Are the soundsystem (Bose) in the GT real bad? In fact the Bose amp and the speakers are great, the problem was that they were lacking of quality signal from the OEM. Much better distance control through frequently acoustic sound as well as optical display on the head unit screen.