Audi A 3 Double Din Conversion Kit. If you keep the ashtray, there is hardly any storage space left at all. China units have a reputation to be over sized and may require modification to the fascia to allow it to fit.
Note that with the double DIN configuration you have much less storage space below the aircon unit than with single DIN.
Autostyle Facia Trim Plate Adaptors convert the space left after removing the original manufacturers head unit to suit the standard din/double din sizes used by the majority of aftermarket head units manufacturers, whilst retaining the original visual.
The face lift console has a double din radio slot, compared to the preface lift with a single din slot. Instead of having a built in relay for the rear heated window, it sends only a trigger signal to an external relay located somewhere else in the vehicle. This sleeve then slides into the double din cage and is secured into place with metal tabs.