Audi A 3 8 V Video In Motion Vcds. At this time only VCP (VagCan Pro) can modify VIM. Donne la posibilité de lire des.
AUDI A3 8V Elektrisch anklappbare Außenspiegel Nachrüstpaket (Susan Rodriguez)
Donne la posibilité de lire des. What's the Difference Between VCP VAG CAN Pro and VCDS Cables? DJAlix VAG Car Coding™ Limited Site Sponsor Gold Supporter VCDS Map User VAG Can Professional ODIS (Offboard Diagnostic System).
ATTENTION Take care, some laws do not allow this and it can be very dangerous if the driver..into the settings where you are allowed to change the video in motion settings.
VCDS ( short called "VAG-COM Diagnostic System ",also called VAG-COM.
Audi A3 8V - Komfortblinkerzyklus anpassen mit VCDS - YouTube
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Allows the PASSENGER to watch videos on MIB screen while moving. Permet d'activer la vidéo en roulant sur le MMI. At this time only VCP (VagCan Pro) can modify VIM.