Audi A 3 8 P Jacking Points. I don't want to bend any of the panels on the car. any insights? Ross-Tech is not responsible for any damage or problems that may result from following these instructions.
Jacking Up An A3 | Page 2 | (Ora Larson)
Audi, like many European manufacturers, requires a jack pad or adapter for the side jack points. On my JSW, I installed pads (from a vendor here.don't know which one.), haven't done it yet. Looking at the manual I see no centralize jack points?
I bought a Protec jack pad a few months back to use on the RS at the indicated jack points.
I think you could get buy using something else (ask Ben), but I felt.
Audi A3 8P roue de secours Tool Box Brace Car Jack ...
They are to be used at your own risk. I don't want to bend any of the panels on the car. any insights? Ross-Tech is not responsible for any damage or problems that may result from following these instructions.