Audi A 3 8 P Subwoofer Upgrade. I wasnt impressed by the factory subwoofer so I decided to remove it and build a custom fiberglass stealth sub enclosure. One on dashboard driver side and one in the engine compartment - Scroll down to see how to To access the fuse box located in the engine compartment, unlatch the fuse cover, push the two slides forward.
Turn your VW or Audi turbocharged engine into a head-turning, exhilarating driving experience with our In-House designed and engineered Atmospheric Diverter Valve Spacer!
APR Ignition Coils are designed to be a direct plug-&-play upgrade to factory coils, & provide greater energy output.
Se poate lega direct la amplificatorul standard al masinii care este cel din fabrica? I wanted to upgrade my OEM subwoofer as was starting to tear and "fart" when I turned up the bass. One on dashboard driver side and one in the engine compartment - Scroll down to see how to To access the fuse box located in the engine compartment, unlatch the fuse cover, push the two slides forward.