Audi A 3 Axle Stand Points. This will most likely be the last driving manoeuvre article, since I've already covered the hill start, the parallel park and the alley Now I'll discuss how to do a three point turn. There should be four total; one is in front of your rear tires, on each side, and the other is behind your front tires, again, on both sides.
Audi does not sell separate CV joints for the drive axles, so if yours are bad you will need to replace both assemblies as one piece.
Installed at the front and rear axle, they help reduce the body roll of the car during fast cornering.
Jump to Latest Follow. but axle stands are good but the car can still roll/move off them in circumstances, every little precaution helps. i once had a scissor jack move with a wheel off and foot was under the car(doing brakes change side of the road vauxhall viva) fortunatly. I now have a proper set of axle stands and a hydraulic jack and want to jack up the whole front or back of the car to put the axle stands on the normal Where are the proper jacking points in the center of the car, front and rear? Many people buy exhaust systems so their car or truck will sound.